Friday, May 28, 2010

Spot Light

WE just read the book Stone Fox in class and now we are to discuss it. My teachers think the boy relates to a super hero. I think my teachers are crazy but they are still awesome. I dont think the kid relates to a super hero because i just believe he wants to help his grandpa not the world. He might be important but not a super hero. Why am I even talking about this. WOOOOO IM GRADUATING!!!!! Two weeks to go!!! Happy happy happy.... :)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Aztec Killings

Dear my teachers I hate your topics so I am doing my own. Seems more educational than your topics.

From what I have read I'm the past two days I realized that the Aztec Empire was located in Mexico. I previously thought it was somewhere in South America. I also learned that Moctezuma (Aztec king) thought Hernan Cortez (Spanish Invader) was the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl. Cortez was from Cuba. The Cuban Governor told him not to go to Mexico but he did it anyway. He left with many boats, men, Cuban natives, African slaves, horses, and war dogs. Cortez wanted to succeed where all before him failed. Cortez first landed on the east coast of Yucatan. There he found out about two Spanish men being held captive. He got them and one came with him and helped translate for him. The next place he went he took a mistress who also translated for him. At this point Moctezuma heard of Cortez and sent two people to watch him and bring back information. The informant came back with detailed information about the Spaniards. They told Moctezuma about how the Spaniards fish and what they look like.
I really like this book so far. It is very informative and give quotes from the people. I think I may buy this book. In fact I am going to go find it right now!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

New Book

As of yesterday I started reading Stolen Continents By Ronald Wright. It is about Native Americans and their view of white men coming to America. I like the book so far though it is a little hard to read. I will eventually post what I learn from this book.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Cherokee Indian

Well I have found that in order to be apart of the Cherokee Nation you must be able to prove one of your ancestors was on the Dawes Rolls. From my understanding Dawes Rolls is a list of approved Cherokee people from 1898-1914. These people were from the "Five Civilized Tribes". The Five Civilized Tribes consist of the Cherokees, Creeks, Choctaws, Chickasaws, and Seminoles. Those on the list got land from the government. If I am wrong please do correct me. Maybe some day ill try and see if I can find an ancestor on the list. According to my family someone in the family did marry a Cherokee Indian but I have to research more about it.

Cherokee Nation
Dawes Rolls

Oil Spill

Amazing pics from here

This oil spill is absolutely insane. The spill is spreading everywhere. They need all the help they can get down there. The animal population is going to drop severely. The economics all around the coast are dead again. I cant believe that the oil is still spilling out. There has to be some way to get down there and seal it off. They need to increase the amount of burnings they do as well. If you want look at these sites to help the animals affected by this.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Arizona Law

:) :) :) Well YES I like the new law!!!! There is nothing wrong with it. If I pull over a car full of people who cant speak English why cant I ask for identification. I don't care if they are Hispanic, white, Asian, or black. You CAN'T be here illegally. It is a FEDERAL CRIME. If you come here legally then I don't care. Make money and support your family. I am NOT racist, I just don't like ILLEGALS!!! Ohhh and I love the protests on Arizona products. You're a bunch of idiots. Stop yelling like a little child and read the law don't just listen to our saint president. I hope Arizona shuts off power the LA. That would make my day. BUY FROM ARIZONA!!! I love Fox News

Oil spill and Food

Today in class we were talking about how plastic containers seep plastic into our food. That is simply gross. Mmmm plastic. No wonder we have so many health issues. The plastic is said to have estrogen (female hormone) in them. That may have an effect on male sex organs. There has been an increase in the penis moving closer to the anus which is a more feminine feature. This could be linked to the plastic that we use for our food and drinks. Really think about how much plastic you use a day... Water bottle, yogurt, butter container, Tupperware, utensils, plastic holding cereal, and much more... It is possible for the plastic to make its way into the food that you are eating. Some people think I'm crazy but sometimes I taste plastic in my water. It creeps me out how it tastes like that.

Oil Spill:
As you can see YES I am a republican. I agree with the off shore drilling but there really should have been more safety measures in place to prevent a spill. I wonder if they emergency shut off valves. Each section of the drill should have had a shut off. Why this happened I still don't know. Maybe I haven't watched enough t.v to hear why or maybe they still haven't figured it out yet. I really wish they could have cleaned up the spill A LOT FASTER. Now it hit they damn major current and the spill is going into the marsh lands. Great, now all the animals are going to die and ALSO they are already endangered. This seriously piss's me off. Lets just use corn for energy or something. Corn to energy = no corn to cows = possible healthier cows = healthier people ... Probable not that easy but close enough. Someone has to change something soon.

Top Ten

This is my top ten list of thing I would like to learn about:

1. Native American Culture
2. Middle East Culture
3. Food
4. Myths
5. Gypsy's
6. Astrology
7. Religion
8. Evolution
9. Mystery Places
10. Animals

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Drawing Mohammed

This is quick but i found this article about some facebook group making a page called "Everbody draw Mohammed Day". Pakistan has now blocked facebook dew to this group. Drawing Mohammed is very offensive to the muslim community. I understand that they were upset over this group but to block the site completely is a little extreme. I believe facebook should take down the group since it is offending this many people. Any group that is offensive to a religion should not be allowed. This topic is a little confusing.  Still to make everyone happy this group should be taken down.

Health topic for class

I just read an article about mothers reducing stress in their daughters. It said that girls that talked to their mom on the phone or saw their mom had reduced their stress level. Talking to your mother apparently increases a feel good hormone and reduces certain stress hormones. I agree with this study because I feel better after I talk to my mom. Though this study may be different if you do not get along with your mother. The study was of 61 girls ages 7-12. I always have believed talking and seeing my mother has relaxed me. 

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

School is making me do this post.....

Ok now I am required to do pointless things for this class i'm in. Ignore this post if you want (Has nothing to do with the topic).

Chuck Norris joke: Chuck Norris will never have a heart attack. His heart isn't nearly foolish enough to attack him.

American Idol: I never watch it and I am still unsure if I will watch it tonight. Apparently my school and I might be on TV since we were the welcoming party to Forest View Educational Center. In my opinion we were basically free extras and good publicity for our district. I did not mind standing and screaming for some guy who I have never heard, but I simply did not find a good reason as to way we were doing it. I made my school happy and got points. Good for me. The Lee guy seemed a little uncomfortable but not cocky. People say he is good so I'll assume he is. I hope he does not win so he is not made into an American Idol pawn.

Monday, May 17, 2010

First Post

This is my first blog ever and I will be talking about world cultures. There will be a focus on middle eastern and native american culture. I will begin posting soon sometime this week.