Thursday, May 20, 2010

Oil spill and Food

Today in class we were talking about how plastic containers seep plastic into our food. That is simply gross. Mmmm plastic. No wonder we have so many health issues. The plastic is said to have estrogen (female hormone) in them. That may have an effect on male sex organs. There has been an increase in the penis moving closer to the anus which is a more feminine feature. This could be linked to the plastic that we use for our food and drinks. Really think about how much plastic you use a day... Water bottle, yogurt, butter container, Tupperware, utensils, plastic holding cereal, and much more... It is possible for the plastic to make its way into the food that you are eating. Some people think I'm crazy but sometimes I taste plastic in my water. It creeps me out how it tastes like that.

Oil Spill:
As you can see YES I am a republican. I agree with the off shore drilling but there really should have been more safety measures in place to prevent a spill. I wonder if they emergency shut off valves. Each section of the drill should have had a shut off. Why this happened I still don't know. Maybe I haven't watched enough t.v to hear why or maybe they still haven't figured it out yet. I really wish they could have cleaned up the spill A LOT FASTER. Now it hit they damn major current and the spill is going into the marsh lands. Great, now all the animals are going to die and ALSO they are already endangered. This seriously piss's me off. Lets just use corn for energy or something. Corn to energy = no corn to cows = possible healthier cows = healthier people ... Probable not that easy but close enough. Someone has to change something soon.

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